Transforming Communities: Tax Allocation Districts in Action
DeKalb County is home to five distinct Tax Allocation Districts (TAD), each designed to foster redevelopment and attract private investment. These districts provide a unique opportunity for developers and businesses to collaborate with Decide DeKalb in transforming underperforming areas into dynamic spaces for living, working, and thriving.
Currently, Decide DeKalb offers several TAD funding programs to support various development efforts, from predevelopment loans and small business property improvement grants, to large scale catalytic development and TAD Bond financing. Interested in applying for funding? Follow the steps below:
1. Confirm your property is located in a TAD by visiting Decide DeKalb’s Interactive TAD GIS Map here.
2. Once you’ve confirmed your property is located in a TAD, review the corresponding TAD Guidelines below for current funding program availability.
3. Eligible for one of the TAD funding programs and interested in applying? Great! Complete the preliminary questionnaire using the button below.