Our community is composed of a diverse group of residents that make up an eclectic and ambitious workforce. Decide DeKalb is dedicated to growing DeKalb County as a place where its residents can live, work, and innovate.
Our Demographics
DeKalb County is composed of lifetime residents and new Georgians who love this great county just as much as we do. All walks of life are represented throughout our many municipalities.
Here are some of the demographics that make DeKalb County the ideal location for your business:
759 K
$62.4 K
Median Household Income

DeKalb is Diverse
of Our Population are People of Color
DeKalb is Highly Educated
of DeKalb Residents have a High School Diploma or Higher
of Residents 25-years-old and up have a Bachelor’s Degree of Higher
DeKalb is a Pipeline of Talent
7.4 K
Credential & Degrees Awarded Annually
7.8 K
Students Receiving HOPE Grant or Scholarship (Georgia Lottery Corporation, 2020)
With almost 18,000 businesses in DeKalb County, we have one of the fastest growing job markets in the state of Georgia. Decide DeKalb is committed to bringing jobs and investments to DeKalb County.
Here are a few of our largest employers and companies that have recently selected DeKalb County:
Among the many other assets DeKalb County has to offer, our businesses have access to a highly educated workforce. National businesses take note of the fact that nearly 45% of our residents have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Decide DeKalb collaborates with all education institutions, such as DeKalb County School District, Georgia Piedmont Technical College, Emory University, and other DeKalb institutions. We understand that a prosperous business community always flourishes alongside a multitude of comprehensive educational programs; we hope to build lasting partnerships through our work in these two sectors.
100 K
Schools and Centers

Not only is DeKalb County both educated and prosperous but it is also highly eclectic and diverse! We boast a myriad of state-of-the-art facilities, including world-class museums, interactive art centers, colorful music venues, competitive universities, and much more. We have over 80 hotels to accommodate tourists, as well as tons of local specialty shops and delicious, top-ranking restaurants. We are also home to Georgia’s number one attraction, Stone Mountain Park, where families can congregate on a beautiful 3200-acre property to enjoy nature in all its glory.
For more information about DeKalb attractions, lodging, shopping, and dining, visit DiscoverDeKalb.com.

DeKalb’s Municipalities
DeKalb County is composed of 13 great municipalities, each with its own flair and charm characteristic of the state of Georgia. And with their distinctive personalities, each municipality also possesses its own codified rules and regulations. Whether you’re obtaining a permit or seeking information about starting your small business, Decide DeKalb will help connect you with the right resources to navigate the system. We work closely with the 13 cities to bring jobs and investment to all parts of DeKalb. Our services consist of resources and support for all cities within the county.
Here are the DeKalb County municipalities:
It’s Time to Build with DeKalb County
Contact us today to find out more about our mission and services.